Action pour la Protection de l’Environnement et la Promotion des Filières Agricoles (APEFA) represented by Executive Director Oscar Nzabonimpa and Nyanza District represented by Mayor Erasme Ntazinda, signed a Memoramdum of Understanding (MoU) on Thursday, February 10, 2022.

Signed at Nyanza District headquarters, the five-year MoU, renewable after review, saw both parties agree to commit to identify and set strategies to develop joint projects related to environmental protection, climate change, social security, food security and livelihood improvement, capacity development, poverty reduction and community empowerment, among other shared obligations.

The MoU to enter into force on the date of signing comes as a tool to strengthen the existing cooperation between the two parties in the above-mentioned sectors. It not only reaffirms the goal by both Parties to sustainably protect the environment, improve agricultural production and create new opportunities for security and prosperity but also the 7 Years Government Programme: National Strategy for Transformation (NST 1) 2017 – 2024.