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With Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) “Green Amayaga” project core objective being to restore forests landscape in the Mayaga Region, Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), through Community Capacity Building Project in the areas of Livelihoods and Agroforestry implemented by APEFA, is providing a technical backstopping in forest management.

In this regard, APEFA has held a two-day training on forests management that took place at Nyanza District headquarters on 28-29th June 2022.

Beneficiaries who own parcels of forests have been grouped and are receiving trainings in silviculture practices “Forest Management Practices” and will form “Forest Management Units” with Simplified Management Plans to guide them to a good production.

A study tour also is planned in Fumbwe Sector of Rwamagana District in to observe and learn from cooperatives which have been practicing FMU practices.

APEFA’s Executive Director was present as the training opened
Participants at the training held in Nyanza