After two days of a training on sustainable forest management, forest owners from Gisagara, Nyanza and Ruhango Districts have conducted a study tour in Fumbwe Sector of Rwamagana held on 30 June 2022 where they learnt about the private forests management units and listened to host forest owners’ success stories.
The study tour was organized in line with the implementation of Community Capacity Building in the Areas of Livelihood and Agroforestry for Forest Landscape Restoration in the Amayaga Region project project by Action for Environment Protection and Agriculture Sectors Promotion (APEFA) under financial agreement with Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) aligned with the implementation of “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Amayaga Region (Green Amayaga) project .
At the study tour, participants were explained how 78 members owning 105 parcels formed a cooperative and planted forests (Eucalyptus microcorys species) on a 28,16 ha area.

Augustin Bizimana, the President of Koperative TURENGERE AMASHYAMBA-Byimana- Birembo (KOTABB Cooperative), said the first phase of forests harvest is expected next year.
Members of the cooperative have in 2018 accepted to have their forests removed and they were provided with new seedlings which they planted then.

They now foresee better production next year when they harvest because in the cooperative, they expect to sell mature trees on good prices.
Visitors from Amayaga Region were happy to see well growing forests and have declared to go and copy what their fellow farmers did in Fumbwe Sector starting with the formation of Private Forest Management units in their Districts of residence.