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The Green Amayaga Forest Landscape Restoration in the Amayaga region (FLR Mayaga) project is a ground-breaking six-year project initiative that will afforest the degraded ecosystem and restore the natural forests of four districts of Amayaga in Rwanda’s southern Province Districts of Gisagara, Nyanza, Ruhango and Kamonyi.

Implemented by Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), the project aims to promote biodiversity, fostering ecosystem services, increasing agriculture productivity and reducing the vulnerability of people and ecosystems to the adverse effects of climate change.

Action pour la Protection de l’Environnement et la Promotion des Filieres Agricoles (APEFA) was last year mandated to implement a project on the mobilization through awareness campaigns, training and workshops to raise the capacity and ownership of the project beneficiaries and community in general under FLR Green AMAYAGA scope area.

Here are some of the photos showing activities done at the start of Green Amayaga project phase 2 including the distribution of forestry and agroforestry trees, the planting of trees among other activities.

The day residents received trees for agroforestry
Of 362,000 direct beneficiaries of the project, most are women
Fruit trees were given to beneficiaries in a bid to fight malnutrition and improve livelihood
Forest trees to be planted aim to see 4.7 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions avoided over the next five years
Students were not left behind, they need to grow up with an environment friendly culture