In the framework of the implementation of the project entitled “Increasing Awareness of Rural Communities in Climate Change and NDCs for their Effective Participation in NDC Implementation in four Districts of the Amayaga Region of Rwanda” funded by WINS the Global Consult and GIZ.
The project has eight main activities contributing to different outputs, and APEFA started by conducting stakeholder engagement to engage different actors and stakeholders that may contribute to the project implementation directly and/or indirectly.
Different stakeholders and actors including local authorities participated in this two-day workshop (21-22 March 2024 at Heritage Hotel Nyanza) they shared insights by nurturing methods and approaches to be used in the project implementation so that the targeted audience can be reached and receive the message including NDC activities, National implementation plans, and sustainability.
This 2-days stakeholders’ engagement workshop was attended by Districts of Southern Province technical staff, Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA), Centre d’étude et de coopération internationale (CECI), and technical staff from 8 districts of the Southern Province, etc.
BIKOMO Alfred, the Permanent Secretary of the southern province, in his opening remarks, urged the workshop participants to have a participative attendance, share insights and contribute to the overall implementation of the project.
The six-month project, which started in March 2024, will be implemented in four (4) districts (Nyanza, Ruhango, Kamonyi and Gisagara), of the Southern province of Rwanda.
Efforts and strong ideas were focused on the activity of NDC awareness campaigns through women’s football competitions, and the project is targeting to reach at least more than 60,000 people in the Amayaga region, Stakeholders agreed that the project needs a strong focus on gender mainstreaming and social inclusion, with targeted interventions to empower women and youth and promote their leadership and decision-making roles.
APEFA also reminded all participants and stakeholders that their contributions are welcomed to support audience attraction as well as achieve many audiences in the region, the overall project objective is to build the local communities’ capacity of the Amayaga region by increasing their knowledge and awareness of NDCs and climate change for their effective participation to enhance sustainable. land management in the agricultural lands in the landscape, increase the productivity of planted forests and reduce the negative impacts of household energy systems in the NDC implementation.
At the end of the workshop, the project adopted a participatory and inclusive approach, ensuring the active involvement of all stakeholders in the design, implementation, and monitoring of the interventions. The project will also establish multi-stakeholder platforms and consultation mechanisms to facilitate dialogue, coordination, and collaboration among the different actors.