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Action pour la Protection de l’Environnement et la Promotion des Filieres  (APEFA) has on December 23, 2021 held a training on environment protection and community based climate change adaptation in Nyanza District.

APEFA is currently working on the project dubbed “Community capacity building in the areas of livelihoods and agroforestry for forest landscape restoration in the Amayaga Region’’ in line with Green Amayaga project initiated in 2020 by Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA).

Green Amayaga is a six-year initiative that seeks to restore forest landscape and improve livelihoods in Amayaga Region extending on four Districts of Rwanda’s Southern Province namely; Nyanza, Gisagara, Ruhango and Kamonyi.

APEFA is currently conducting a project on capacity building in the areas of livelihoods and agroforestry for Forest Landscape Restoration in the Amayaga region.

The training brought together the local authorities in Nyanza sectors of Ntyazo, Kibirizi and Busoro and others working in forestry, agriculture and environmental protection.

Officially opening the training, Nyanza District Mayor, Erasme Ntazinda thanked APEFA for partnering in the initiative that seeks to protect environment which will benefit the residents of the District for as planned that throughout the project, jobs will be created for mostly the youth and women.  

Nyanza District Mayor Erasme Ntazinda (standing) urged participants to take Green Amayaga activities as their own

In his remarks, Mayor Ntazinda urged the participants to take the activities done through Green Amayaga as their own and have a collaborative role in the eventual success of the project that seeks to see the Amayaga region -in which Nyanza locates- green again.

APEFA’s Executive Director, Oscar Nzabonimpa said APEFA habitually does work to bring everybody together to their role in environment protection, hence their part in Green Amayaga project.

“Our aim is to build capacity of people from varied organs so that they have a role in environment protection and sensitize the beneficiaries to take the activities as their own in order to see the project attain the success the nation expects from it,” he explained.

APEFA’s Executive Director revealed that in October this year, APEFA signed a memorandum of understanding with Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) to act on community capacity building and mobilization to as to sustain the activities done in Green Amayaga project.

Participants pose for group photo after the training session