Back ground of the project
The Sebeya Catchment is one of the degraded catchments in Rwanda resulting from its physiography characterized by steep mountainous landscapes, fragile soils, and intensive use of limited land resources together with poor agricultural practices.
These problems exacerbated by climate change, limited economic opportunities, poor access to finance, limited alternative sources of livelihoods and limited access to markets have led local communities to depend on subsistence farming which results in increased food insecurity, reduced yields and a reduction of water provision services.
To address those critical issues, the Rwanda Water and Forestry Authority (RWFA) in collaboration with International Organizations: International union for the conservation of the Nature (IUCN),Netherlands Development Organization (SNV); and Action for Environment Protection and Promotion of Agricultural Sector (APEFA) Developed a project titled ‘’Landscape Restoration and Integrated Water Resources Management in Sebeya and other Catchments’’ aiming at Increased livelihood and conservation benefits in Sebeya (& other) catchments from restoration & improved natural resources management. Where those three organizations are grouped into a consortium to provide the Technical assistance.
Budget for the project
This project has a total budget of 22 Million Euros where the community mobilization component of APEFA has been allocated 800,000 Euros.
Rwanda Water and Forestry Authority (RWFA), International Union of Conservation of nature (IUCN) Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN). Local government.
Timeline of the project This project Is it an on-going it will be implemented in 42 months starting from July 2019 up to January 2023, with the possibly of scaling up to other catchments.
This project will cover 4 District: Rutsiro, Rubavu, Nyabihu, Ngororero.
Achievements/Objective What does the project intend to accomplish
Landscape & catchment Management & Governance improved
Innovative financing mechanisms & value chains, Livelihoods development for improved ecological & economic benefits.
Scaling up to all of Sebeya and to 4 other Catchments (Nyabarongo, Nyabugogo& Muvumba), Knowledge management System implemented for improved & integrated landscape restoration knowledge
Main Activities
Awareness raising, Stakeholders mapping and analysis, Selection and validation of intervention area (micro catchments),
Development of plans of action, Selection and training of facilitators
Local exchange visit and study tours, Establishment of the steering committee team, the steering committee will validate the action plans which clearly link activities with objectives and indicate responsibilities, time frames and resources required.
Expected project outcome
Increased livelihood and conservation Benefits from the Sebeya (& other) catchments from restoration & improved local land management.