In the framework of the project “Rational use of Yanze river water for local agriculture development in Rulindo District, and for domestic use in Kigali city” funded by FAO-Rwanda; APEFA has organized a study tour in Ngeruka sector Bugesera District for famers from, Ngoma Sector Rulindo District.
This activity held in Ngeruka Sector on 17/10/2018; especially in the Koperative Jyambere Muhinzi Ngeruka (KOJYAMUNGE) focusing on agricultural activities. This study tour puts together around 30 participants from Yanze Horticulture Promotion Cooperative (YAHOPROC) from Rulindo District, KONJYAMUNGE members, Local authority from Rulindo, local authority from Ngeruka and APEFA staff.
KONJYAMUNGE is an agriculture base cooperative which is located in Ngeruka Sector, Bugesera District, it has 70 Members including 43 Women. The main focus of KOJYAMUNGE is on horticulture but also rotation with Maize and soybean.
The study tour was facilitated by president and technician of KONJYAMUNGE as well as local authorities (Agronomist, Executive Secretary of cell and Cooperative officer) from Ngeruka sector, Bugesera District.
The aim of this study tour was to building capacities of cooperative members from Rulindo on agriculture best practices, vegetable value chain and on cooperative management in terms of administrative and financial.
Specifically this study tour aimed at:
- Showing participants agriculture best practices in Bugesera;
- Demonstrating different vegetable species cultivated and their requirements
- Vegetable value chain;
- Sharing knowledge on administrative management financial management of cooperatives
First activity was to visit the tomatoes farm of 2 Ha, the president of KOJYAMUNGE has showed to farmers from Rulindo how tomatoes are cultivated and the requirement needed in cultivating tomatoes and how many days the seeds spent in the nursery beds and watering needs. Participants learnt the value chain of tomatoes from the farm to the end user, the famers from Bugesera explain how they get markets and the benefits of selling their products as cooperative.
Second activity was the discussion and information sharing meeting between YAHOPROC and KOJYAMUNGE members as well as local authorities of both side.
Agronomist of Rulindo District told both cooperative to respects seasons and so that they can maximize their production.
Agronomist of Ngeruka sector, Bugesera District in his remarks, he requested participants to be creative and innovative so that they can develop their cooperative and the country in general.
The officer from Ngeruka sector in charge of cooperative told to be good leaders who can help their cooperative to be developed, he insisted that the leaders do not have to look for their own benefits but the benefits of the cooperative.
President of YAHOPROC thanked the local authority and the member of KOJYAMUNGE for the fruitful information they have shared; He said that they are planning to go and put into action what they have leant from KOJYAMUNGE and they are thanking APEFA for have planned this study tour for them because it has opened their mind which is going to develop their cooperative.
In his closing remarks; Secretary executive of cell he just thanked the YAHOPROC members to have come to his cell that he was glad to hear that his people have achieved the level of sharing the knowledge with others across the country and he thanked the members from KOJYAMUNGE for this achievement but he also requested to continue to achieve even more.
Study tour was well conducted and participants YAHOPROC appreciated what they learnt from KOJYAMUNGE, they have committed to put in practice all the knowledge acquired from this study tour.
After this study tour the partnership was created between two cooperatives and this will enable both side to share information and knowledge.
Participants recommended organizing more study tours in different parts of the country in order to get different knowledge which can help them to develop their cooperative as well as the improvement of the livelihoods.