The meeting was well conducted, beneficiaries attendance and participation during meeting were highly appreciated. In Muyira, the beneficiaries are in only one cell but in 4 villages. The mobilisation was done about Green Amayaga and its activities. They presented their problems and many other questions so that after the answers start these groups knowing everything. All groups selected bee keeping as they will put the beehives in the Kibirizi natural forest

The beneficiaries from 2 groups from Kibirizi were formed and selected animal production but they cannot be profitable to increase their livelihoods. We tried to help them change from animal production to beekeeping as it is the opportunity they have as they will put the beehives in the Kibirizi-Muyira natural forest

These farmers were not able to join others in different meeting ( Kibirizi and Muyira) because they needed their land that enclosed in the forest to be expropriate but till now they know the Green Amayaga and their contribution for its success as well as its importance to them.