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 In the framework the follow up of the project “Rational use of Yanze river water for local agriculture development in Rulindo District, and for domestic use in Kigali city” funded to APEFA by FAO-Rwanda; on 28/November/2018; FAO has organized the field visit to Rulindo District for the follow up of the project implemented by APEFA in collaboration with farmers of Yanze Horticulture Promotion Cooperative (YAHOPROC) from Rulindo.


The purpose of this meeting was review the new project document with FAO staff for final correction and also to have an overview of the water scarcity problem in the region and how it can be resolved.


Visitors from FAO Headquarter in Rome met District Authority (Mayor, Vice Mayor) Technical discussion with District irrigation office and key district water resource stakeholders including APEFA as main implementer of this project.


After meeting with District authority, they visited project activities on the field where they met YAHOPROC members as direct beneficiaries of this project.  YAHOPROC is agricultural based cooperative is located in Ngoma sector Rulindo District, the main focus of YAHOPROC is horticulture.


Visitors from FAO visited some water ponds to see how they were constructed during this project and how they are used with communities as well as how they maintain the irrigation infrastructure established by APEFA in collaboration.


During discussion in the meeting with visitors; Cooperative members thanked the FAO and APEFA for strengthening their capacities on different topics but also the irrigation infrastructures put to their disposal,


Farmers raised the problem of water for irrigation where they is a competition of water with WASAC; they suggested also the support of rain water tanks which will enable them to irrigate in hill areas so that they can also store water to be used in dry season.


Visitors were impressed by work done by APEFA and how communities are involved, they also appreciated the ownership of project activities from Local authorities to the farmer. Visitors promised the farmers the advocacy for to resolve different issues raised; FAO visitors after seeing that the ones that they are having and they are taking good use of dam.