On 3rd October2018, APEFA in collaboration with FAO has organized the training on accounting system, auditing and conflict resolutions for farmers of Yanze Horticulture Promotion Cooperative (YAHOPROC) from Rulindo. This activity was carried out in the framework of the project ?Rational use of Yanze river water for local agriculture development in Rulindo District, and for domestic use in Kigali city? funded to APEFA by FAO-Rwanda.
This training held at Ngoma Sector office and it puts together 25 participants including members of YAHOPROC, local authorities from Rulindo District, and APEFA staff. YAHOPROC is agricultural based cooperative located in Ngoma sector, Rulindo District, the main focus of YAHOPROC is horticulture and it is the main beneficiary of this project.
The training was facilitated by APEFA staff in collaboration with local authorities and agronomist of Ngoma sector.
This training was designed to strengthen a cooperative?s financial management capacity and build the confidence of those individuals involved in management of cooperative such as internal auditors, conflict resolution committee.
Specifically this training aimed at:
– Adoption of financial management systems suitable for running the cooperative
– Manage and control financial resources efficiently and effectively.
– Promote transparency and the good faith of the entire staff.
– Improving accounting system and financial statement with in cooperative.
The secretary executive of Ngoma sector, in her opening remarks she welcomed cooperative members and APEFA staff, in the Ngoma sector. She told participants that they are being trained as trainers of others, she requested participants to share that knowledge to other members and help to spread the information so quickly. She ensured the continuous support from local authorities to the development of YAHOPROC and for sustainability of the project activities. She ended her remarks by thanking all partners including FAO and APEFA and wishing to participants a fruitful training.
The project coordinator and technical coordinator from APEFA trained members of YAHOPROC the financial management and how to use the books of accounts, financial data entry and how they can make the audit internally and externally. Trainers put more emphasis on the conflict resolution within cooperative and how they can tackle conflicts when they arise.
Agronomist of Ngoma sector in his closing remarks, he said that he is glad to have partners in agriculture as FAO and APEFA, he requested YAHOPROC members to take this opportunity so serious because it will help the development of their cooperative but also their livelihoods.
The training was conducted in good environment and everyone were satisfied with the training; participants committed to put in action what they were being trained in and they were thanking APEFA and FAO for the support.