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United Nation Development Programme (here in after referred to as UNDP) through SGP has funded   the ‘Action pour la Protection de l’Environnement et la Promotion des Filières Agricole (APEFA)  the project named “Improving the livelihood of the smallholder farmers by promoting the climate resilient measures in Bugesera District”.

In line with the above, on 21st August 2020, a team composed of the  SGP and APEFA Representatives carried out a  field visit with the objective to monitor and evaluate the progress of activities. Therefore, 4 APEFA   beneficiaries’ cooperatives of Ngeruka sector named (KOTEMUNGE, KOJYAMUNGE, KOPABINGE and KOANGER) have been visited.

Koperative Terimbere Muhinzi wa Ngeruka KOTEMUNGE

  • Beneficiaries: KOTEMUNGE is a cooperative composed of 84 member (20 women and 64 men)                              
  • Received support: solar powered irrigation pump and dams sheet reservoir.

Koperative Jyambere Muhinzi wa Ngeruka (KOJYAMUNGE)

  • Beneficiaries: KOJYAMUNGE is a cooperative composed of 73 members in which 43 are men and 30 are  women
  • Received support: they have received only one solar powered irrigation pump.

Koperative Abahinzi b’Ibigori ba Ngeruka (KOPABINGE)

  •  Beneficiaries: KOPABINGE is a cooperative composed of 36 members in which 23 are men and 13 are  women
  • Received support: they have received only one solar powered irrigation pump.

Koperative Abahinzi ba Ngeruka KOANGER

  • Beneficiaries: KOANGER composed by 33 members in which 22 are men and 11 are women.
  • Received support: it is one of 2 cooperative that would receive a solar pump and water pond but, they have received only the solar pump and for water pond the wait for dam sheet.

In general the field visit was very successful and the SGP team commended the achievements of all cooperatives and requested APEFA to provide the installment report so that the next budget installment could be released towards attainment of all projects targeted results