Today, 24th October 2024, Hon. Dr. Mark Cyubahiro, The Minister of Agriculture launched the “Five Fruit Trees per Household” and a youth-centered model fruit orchard in Rubavu District. This effort led by MINAGRI, APEFA & FAO aims to enhance sustainable agri-food systems, combat malnutrition & improve climate resilience.

The launch of the “Five Fruit Trees per Household & Youth-Centered Model Fruit Orchard”, brought together other key partners dedicated to sustainable agriculture, including: UN Resident Coordinator in Rwanda: Mr. Ozonia Ojielo, National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB), Lambert Dushimimana, Governor of Western Province, FAO Country representative: Dr. Nomathemba Mhlanga, RAB Staff, National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB), Rwanda Green Fund, IUCN, USAID, HINGAWUNGUKE, & many other dignitaries shared inspiring remarks, highlighting commitment to planting seeds for a healthier future.

A youth-centered model fruit orchard covering 2 hectares was introduced and planted 556 avocados, and 3600 fruits set to benefit schools and 250 households across five sectors in Rubavu District.