The Rusizi Riverbanks and Watershed Restoration project is making significant strides, following a tree planting agreement between APEFA and One Tree Planted under the TerraFund for AFR100 Program. This collaboration, which spans from December 2023 to December 2029, focuses on various restoration activities including seedling production, tree planting, maintenance, and community capacity building.

The primary aim of this initiative is to enhance ecosystem health, biodiversity, and water quality in the Rusizi River Basin through sustainable land management practices and active community involvement. APEFA plans to establish agroforestry systems by utilizing seedlings grown in project nurseries, with planting and post-planting care managed by field supervisors in collaboration with local community members.

To achieve these goals, APEFA will combine capacity-building efforts with technical support to promote agroforestry practices. Over the six-year period, the project aims to plant 140 hectares of horticulture trees, 210 hectares of agroforestry trees, and protect 17.5 kilometers of Rusizi riverbanks.

As of now, APEFA is in the process of establishing tree nurseries to produce 7,000 bamboo seedlings and 5,600 native tree seedlings, which will be planted along the Rusizi riverbank. Additionally, 94,500 fruit tree seedlings and 59,780 agroforestry tree seedlings are scheduled for planting in community farms in October 2024.